I have used EbscoHost before during college when doing research so I was familiar with searching. I never used the folder tool in the past.
I decided to look up articles on Kagan since I took a class on cooperative learning at the beginning of summer.
I found the Educational Leadership journal and found the alert button but was not allowed to set the alert with my ID and PW.
The three interfaces for the different levels are different in their presentation. In the elementary search (Kids Search - powered by ebsco), it is very bright and graphic, organized by different categories...I clicked on health and it gave me a list of options I can look under. Kids are also allowed to save articles in a folder.
Middle school search (Student Research Center - powered by ebsco) also offers graphics but are less cartoonish. THese images, instead of categories on topics, are images of types of documents, whether you want magazines, newspapers, news transcripts, etc.
Both of these two searches look similar to the main ebsco database searches but just are more appealing to the lower age groups.
At least three of the listed sites under high school search brought me to the Ebsco search page. I also checked out Oxford Reference Online. It was neat to see there are specific dictionaries for different things, for example, Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise...words listed were all related to this topic!
Consumer Health Database
Title: Eating Healthy Snacks By: Jackie Berning, Ph.D., R.D., for McKesson Provider Technologies. Published by McKesson Provider Technologies, Clinical Reference Systems
Snacks You Can Eat Every Day
From the HTML Pamphlet:
Snack Grams of fat Calories
Nonfat, sugar-free yogurt
with fruit (1 cup) 0 100
Baby carrots (3 oz) 0 40
Fresh fruit:
Banana (small) 0 100
Apple (medium) 0 60
Pear (medium) 0 60
Orange (medium) 0 60
Kiwi (2) 0 40
Bagel (1) 1.4 165
Cold cereal 1.0 110
Fig Newtons (2) 2.0 100
Graham crackers (2) 1.5 60
Instant oatmeal (1 oz) 1.7 100
Rice cakes (2) 0.2 70
Pretzels (1 oz) 1.0 110
Skim milk (8 oz) 1.0 110
Anatomy of the Eye
Nucleus Medical Art
© 2006, Nucleus Medical Art. All rights reserved.
Healthology Videos
New Things
1. Digital Pipeline - show teachers these search options so that they can use them with their students to search for articles. My students are too young to type words correctly to search but some may be able to type in CVC words and search those.
2. Tell them about the free online tutor help for grades 4-12! I wish that was available when I was that young!
3. I can post videos on my blog! I wasn't sure if it would work if I clicked on the properties of the video and copied the URL and plugged it under the IMAGE button. I tried the video tool but that is if I was loading it from my own computer. Even though the video doesn't show up on the blog, you can still click it and open the video.
So glad you figured out how to get your password and were able to explore the Digital Pipeline. It is amazing resource paid for by the State and accessible by all residents so the more people who discover it the better!