I found this through the Del.icio.us bookmark on a site that listed 17 ways you could use photos! How fun!
I was really facinate diwth scrapblog.com - I love scrapbook and here is another way to do it! I will have to test out the site - it seems like a great way to share pages but the downside right now is that there is no way to print them. It seems to me like an enhanced way to show pictures in a slideshow (pictures with backgrounds!).
Kindernet is another bookmarked site that I visited...I will also bookmark this to my own Del.icio.us account!
I would definately make a Del.icio.us account for myself. I can see how beneficial this can be for my own students and parents. Right now, I just use Sitebuilder to list my links for my students and clear all their bookmarks on their computers and only have one link - to my LINKS page on my sitebuilder and they go from there. I think this is even better; I don't have to have a district connection to edit my links and I can add more wherever I am at! I love that it is accessable anywhere, anytime...I no longer have to remember sites when I want to show them to friends!
I'm fascinated by Uvatar and have already spent toooo much time there. Just nice to have a different option for images. Thanks for sharing this great find.