Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring Break!

Hi Class!

I hope you are enjoying your spring break! I am, even though Buddy still wakes me up at 7:30/8am wanting to go outside to use the restroom! Are you enjoying the snowfall from Tues. night? I have not made it Aleyeska this spring break; lots of cleaning, taxes, school work, and other things I have to catch up on!

I am posting optional activities for you to do with your parents.


First, and I know some of you already have done this, but I would like to you view at least one of the Voicethreads made by your classmate and comment on it.

Second, with the help of your parents, create a voki character (listed under LINKS under my school district website or go to and send me a message! E-mail it to: and I will do my best to respond! Make sure I have your email so I know where to reply!

Third, illustrate and write about something fun you did over spring break on a piece of paper and bring it back to school on Monday. I'd love to know what you've been doing for a week without school!!

And lastly, enjoy the fun online learning activities listed under LINKS under my school district website ( and play a couple! Understanding how to navigate will help build your computer skills and you can do more things during computer lab!

If you are brave and have the time, have a parent help you create an animoto video ( You will need no more than 14 photos to make a fun 30 sec. video. Remember this is FREE if you only choose to make a 30 sec. video. Please do not purchase longer unless you plan on using it for your personal use.

See you all on St. Patrick's Day! Wear green!


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